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A member registered Apr 06, 2020

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(1 edit)

Got two bugs! First, snakes can deal damage to me before I completely enter a room and also I think their AI still targets me before I'm in the room. Second, some bits that I come by are either visual glitches or just can't be picked up. It has happened quite a bit. (;

Small thing I noticed is that I can stay in a corner and snakes can't get me.

Something I would like to see in this game is a menu option when I die and then a shop in the menu that can make game play easier. The currency could be points. One points is awarded for each boss defeated. I think that would give a reason to go into a boss room from a choice room. And here is two important things I think that could be bought in the shop.

+1 note when you start

+1% drop chance of notes

I think a snake escaped. It was taunting me on the other side of the exit.

(1 edit)

I have had some clipping through walls issues and also some enemies that would get stuck in walls too which would force me to reload the page. Also I think that there should be an 100% chance of getting at least one note in your first two rooms.

I was launched out of orbit I think.